Meta Tags for Shopify Stores

How can using meta tags on your ecommerce store boost SEO?

‘Meta tags’ sounds very technical, but it’s not really that complicated. They’re an important element on your website that can boost your SEO (how you perform in the Google search results), and in this article we’ll look at what they are, why they’re important, and how to implement them.

What Are Meta Tags?

Meta tags are snippets of text that describe a page’s content. The tags don’t appear on the page itself, but in the page’s source code. They are small descriptors that help search engines understand what a web page is about.

Meta tags are HTML tags, usually added to the ‘head’ of the page, and so are only visible to search engines (and people who know where to look). The ‘meta’ part refers to ‘metadata’, which means these tags provide data about the data on your page.

The 4 main Types of Meta Tag

1 Meta Description

First, we have the Meta description - this provides a short description of the page, and is often pulled through as the snippet you’ll see in the page listing shown on the search engine results pages (SERPs). 

A well-written description can help encourage people to click through from the results pages to your site. Remember to keep it under 160 characters - any more and Google will cut it off on the results page. It’s worth noting that Google doesn’t always display the meta description you’ve written. Sometimes it pulls through content from the page that it deems a good representation of what the page is about. However, it’s best to have your own one written that Google can select.

Here are some tips for better meta descriptions:

  • Aim for fewer than 160 characters so the description isn’t cut off

  • Help searchers on their journey with calls-to-action. Terms like ‘Get started’ or ‘Shop now’ work well

  • Write unique descriptions for different pages on your site. Again, this gives search engines more clues and information about the content of each page and helps present them in the results to searchers.

  • Include your target keyword in the description. If it matches what the searcher is looking for, the keyword often appears in bold which can help increase the chance of a click. Be sure to include the keyword in a natural way, though 

Here’s an example of the code for a meta description tag:

<meta name="description" content="Your description goes here">

2 Meta Robots

Next, Meta robots - these tell search engines how to treat the pages and links they crawl.

‘Index’ and ‘follow’ are the default values, but you can specify ‘no index’ and ‘no follow’ if you don’t want the page to be indexed, or you want a link to be ignored by the search engine. 

‘Follow’ instructs search engines to crawl the link. This is the default. When you add the ‘nofollow’ attribute to a link, it essentially tells search engines like Google to disregard that link when calculating the website's search engine ranking.

‘Index’ allows search engines to crawl the page and add to their index so it’s findable in search. ‘Noindex’ tells search engines not to add the webpage to their index so the page won’t appear in search results. 

3 Meta Viewport

Third, Meta viewport - this controls how your page appears on different devices, allowing you to adjust the width and scaling of the webpage so it better fits the device it’s being displayed on. As well as being better for your visitors, Google looks at this tag when assessing if a page is mobile friendly.

4 Meta Title

And finally, Meta title, or page title - while not technically a meta tag as it’s not a snippet of HTML, it’s still important. It’s normally displayed in the search engine results pages as the clickable element of the search result. Make sure this title includes your page keywords and is under 60 characters long. As with the meta description, Google may choose to display its own version of the title, but it’s always best to create your own.

  • Make sure the meta title includes your main keyword (used naturally) for the page.

  • Bear in mind what the searcher is looking for and tailor the title so it answers that query. It could be related to buying a product or finding more information about a particular item.

  • Make the titles unique to each page.

  • Make sure the title is representative of what the user will see if they click through to the page. Clickbait is pointless - people will lose trust, leave, and won’t come back.

Here’s an example of how a HTML meta title tag looks:

<title>How To Implement Meta Tags for Shopify Stores</title>

Why Are Meta Tags Important?

They can boost click through from search engines to your Shopify store

Using meta tags wisely allows you to influence how your pages visually appear in search results. So for example, good descriptions and titles can tempt people to click through to your site.

They provide clarity to search engines

Meta tags all act as important ‘clues’ to search engines like Google - the more information they have about your website’s content and purpose, the better positioned they’ll be to present it to searchers when looking for your kind of products or services. So the clearer you can be for search engines, the clearer they can be for searchers, and the more people will come across your brand.

They improve accessibility and the user experience

Meta tags like viewport can enhance the user experience (UX) and accessibility across devices, making sure your site appears properly whether it’s on a mobile phone, tablet or laptop. Using Content-Type and charset tags will mean your content renders properly on different devices and browsers.

They make your pages easier to share on other platforms

When people share links to your pages on different social platforms, having the right meta tags in place will improve how those links are displayed, making them visually more appealing - which again, makes them more likely to be clicked on.

How To Implement Meta Tags on Shopify

For meta tags that need to be added to the head of the page, you can do this through the code editor. In Shopify, go to Online Store > Themes > Published theme > Actions > Edit code. 

This is where any coding additions, including meta tags, can be added to your store.

For meta titles and descriptions:

  • Log in to your Shopify account

  • Go to Online Store

  • Click Pages

  • Select the page you want to edit

  • Scroll down to Search engine listing preview

  • Enter your desired meta title and description

  • Click Save

Finally, you can check if you’ve implemented the tags correctly with tools like SEMRush’s On Page SEO Checker.

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