Brass Monkey

We partnered with Brass Monkey on a long-term basis through our Ongoing Success service, to enable them to achieve some extremely ambitious expansion and growth plans in their ecommerce operations.

The Brand

Brass Monkey isn’t a traditional D2C ecommerce brand. With premium products including the world’s finest ice baths, a commercial range and celebrity ambassadors and customers, we had to ensure the website, strategy and execution were aligned with their market goals to hit specific revenue, growth and launch targets.

  • 'Ongoing Success' Service
  • UX/UI Website Design
  • Shopify Development
  • International Growth

The Objectives

Brass Monkey had a series of business targets that needed Radiant’s support to achieve:

Doubling revenue / Establishing an international presence / Launching next generation products / Promoting a fully bespoke offering / Launching a new apparel range / Marketing ‘ongoing maintenance’ packages.

What We Did

Through the successful execution of a long-term roadmap, we were able to help Brass Monkey achieve its goals. A combination of strategic thinking, website design and development, overlaid with superb UX, created a winning partnership.

We created additional sections across the site which allowed for increased flexibility when it came to new page layouts to house a variety of engaging content including video, ambassador interviews, events and product detail.

Doubling revenue 

We drove commercial sales and promoted maintenance packages by improving the user journey from informational landing pages to purchase. This enabled us to increase traffic, enhance UX and help deliver more qualified leads to the business, resulting in a sales and revenue uplift to hit the business’ expectations.

Establishing an international presence

We updated the site to allow the client to include localised content for each region, and communicate the brand values to appeal to international audiences.

Launching next gen products

Fresh website content and enhanced sections created a buzz and anticipation about new products to help promote them effectively. To encourage more interaction with the products and drive sales, new areas of the site were created to promote in-person events where potential customers could try the new products. 

Promoting a fully bespoke offering

Our team of designers came up with creative ways to communicate the bespoke offering in a compelling way through imagery, icons and video. We made sure the service was clearly signposted across the website, and included social proof to help increase confidence and trust via testimonials and details of past projects.

Launching an apparel product range 

Launching a new clothing range was an exciting challenge, and we used it as an opportunity to create a brand entry point for new customers. Some of the work we executed included helping foster a sense of community using ambassador content on the website (which Brass Monkey then extended to social media). We also targeted existing ice bath owners to extend their connection with the brand through apparel. In addition, we guided the brand on how to set up products for ecom practices such as merchandising and filtering.

Marketing 'ongoing maintenance' packages

This formed a key part of the brand strategy and we supported this via clear communication of the service benefits through intelligent placement of statistics and icons. Clearly signposting maintenance as a clear upsell in the cart was key, as was a post-purchase campaign to drive bath-owners directly to the maintenance package product page.

Ready to work with us?

If you’d like to explore how our Ongoing Success plans could help your ecommerce business grow like Brass Monkey, get in touch and one of our team will contact you to discuss how we can work together.